The First Step In This Scary Journey

So I took the plunge and decided to do something about a feeling I have had for 4 years. The scariest part of having had this feeling for so long you are afraid that you will not only fuck up what may have been present before or it been better than you thought it would be.

I care about us but I’m also scared shitless to embark on this new journey with you but let’s do this.

Let’s take this one day at a time, building a foundation for a great future. The universe wouldn’t have had us go through this journey to not be where we are today.

Let’s enjoy the days as they come…


Header image by fotografierende


Are you ready to bloom?

This is a question that I have been asking my self as of recent.

am I ready to embrace the blessings that are coming my way or will I just be putting up roadblocks in my journey?


We have all had a situation or two that have come up in our lives that make us feel like we are stuck in the growth phase and not allowing you to actually take the steps you need so that you can ascend to another level. These issues may not be visible to everyone else but to us, it’s like staring at the headlights of a car that is about to hit us.

Don’t give up though keep watering your visions, dreams, and aspirations because they will blossom into the most beautiful thing that you will ever lay eyes on…